Media library

Media library

Welcome to our media library! Here you will find our collection of videos on all topics relating to the WFG on the Middle Rhine.

Browse through our categories and discover exciting topics, informative articles and exclusive insights. Whether you want to be inspired or are looking for specific information - our media library offers you a wide range of content on demand!

Skilled workers film

The film is used by the WFG to acquire skilled workers for the district. However, it can also be downloaded by interested companies and used in their own recruitment activities.

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Corporate film

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Entrepreneur Day Mayen-Koblenz 2024

The Mayen-Koblenz Entrepreneur Day: the WFG's annual event highlight that brings together business, science and politics. In cooperation with the IHK Koblenz, regional office MYK, and the Rhein-Zeitung, top-class speakers present entertaining and informative topics in an entrepreneurial context. The event offers companies an excellent opportunity to network and exchange experiences with other companies and experts.

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