Income development - purchasing power
GfK Purchasing Power is the market's recognized benchmark for determining consumption potential. It provides information on where the regions with the highest purchasing power are to be found. In simple terms, GfK Purchasing Power can be described as the total disposable income per region that can be spent on private consumption. It reflects the potential purchasing power of the people living in the region.
The disposable income of private households is calculated from the income earned through employment and assets plus state benefits such as child benefit, social benefits, etc. and less taxes or social security contributions paid. It therefore corresponds to the income that private households have left over for consumption and saving.
In Mayen-Koblenz, disposable income has risen continuously every year.
Topic income
Development of disposable income of private households in million euros
Private households in Mayen-Koblenz had a total of EUR 4,961 million at their disposal in 2019. Compared to the previous year, this was around 2.6% more (Rhl.-Pfalz + 2.6%).
The district therefore accounts for 5.2% of total disposable income in Rhl.-Pfalz.

Disposable income of private households 2019 in million euros, share of the country in %

Development of disposable income of private households per inhabitant in Mayen-Koblenz
In 2019, the disposable income per capita for the inhabitants of the district was €23,144, compared to the state average of €23,468 for consumption and savings in Rhineland-Palatinate. This means that the disposable income in Mayen-Koblenz is € 324 (previous year € 479) below the state average for Rhineland-Palatinate.

Development of disposable income of private households per capita

Disposable income Mayen-Koblenz in comparison 2009 / 2019

Topic gross wages
In 2019, gross wages per employee in the district of Mayen-Koblenz amounted to EUR 32,373, compared to the national average of EUR 34,091.
Gross wages have risen continuously in recent years. Compared to the previous year, they increased by 2.9% in Mayen-Koblenz in 2019.
Development of gross wages per employee in Mayen-Koblenz

Gross wages in million euros 2019, share of the country in %

Gross wages per employee 2019, comparison of neighboring districts

Gross wages per employee 2019, change compared to previous year

Topic Consumer price index
The consumer price index measures the average change in the prices of goods and services consumed by private households. The change in the consumer price index compared to the same month of the previous year or the previous year is referred to as the inflation rate.
Change in consumer price index Rhl.-Pfalz May 2024 compared to the same month of the previous year in %
The inflation rate rose slightly again in May 2024, but remains below the three percent mark. It amounted to 2.8% overall in May 2024, an increase of 0.2% compared to the previous month. In eleven out of twelve divisions of the consumer price index, the price level in May 2024 was higher than in the same month of the previous year. There were sharp price increases in the restaurant and accommodation services sector due to the abolition of the VAT reduction.

Change in consumer price index Rhl.-Pfalz in the goods and services groups May 2024 compared to the same month of the previous year in &

Change in consumer price index RLP compared to the previous year in %