Broadband supply
Future-proof connections
Today, digitalization determines all areas of life. This is why the availability of a high-performance broadband connection has become the most important location factor for the district of Mayen-Koblenz, not only to retain or attract new companies to the district, but also to ensure an attractive living environment.
An efficient and needs-based broadband supply for the entire region is one of the district's most important flagship projects. The WFG's central long-term goal is the comprehensive expansion of fiber optic networks into buildings (FTTB) or homes (FTTH) in order to guarantee the high bandwidths that will be in demand in the future.
Investing in the future
As part of the subsidized expansion, a total of over 44 million euros is currently being invested in the expansion of fibre optic networks in the district. Of this, 50% of the costs are being borne by the federal government, 40% by the state and around 10% by the local authorities and the district. Once the project is completed at the end of 2025, around 1,400 companies, 32 schools and four hospitals will be provided with symmetrical bandwidths of at least 1 gigabit per second. In addition, 475 further private households, the so-called white spots, will be supplied with high bandwidths in some difficult topographical locations.
In addition, the district is in the fortunate position that synergy effects are used by the providers for their own expansion. In addition, competition ensures a steady improvement in the fiber optic supply to all companies and households.
Also mobile in the best network
In addition to broadband coverage, the WFG will also step up its efforts to expand mobile networks in the future. We welcome the developments in the expansion of a nationwide, public and free WLAN network by the state.
Especially for the rural regions of the district, digital infrastructure is a great opportunity in times of demographic change.
The expansion of broadband infrastructure can only be achieved through cooperation with all stakeholders involved. The WFG regularly coordinates with e.g. broadband officers from the municipalities, utility companies, providers, etc. in the "Broadband expansion" working group.
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