Smart region MYK10

Smart region MYK10

Promoting forward-looking concepts

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The district of Mayen-Koblenz is one of the Germany-wide "Smart Cities Model Projects" selected in 2020 by the former Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (now the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction) and KfW. Under the title "Smart Region MYK10", forward-looking analog and digital strategies and solutions for all areas of life will be developed and tested locally until the end of 2027 with the help of this funding.

What does "smart city" or "smart region" actually mean?

Translated from English, "smart city" means "clever city". It is a collective term for development concepts that aim to make cities more efficient, technologically advanced, environmentally friendly and socially inclusive.

In the district of Mayen-Koblenz, however, the idea of the "Smart City" should be reflected in the entire region and enrich it. The urban areas are considered just as much as the rural areas. For this reason, the "Smart Cities" model project in the district of Mayen-Koblenz bears the name "Smart Region MYK10".

What does the 10 in the project name actually mean?

Seven municipalities (Maifeld, Mendig, Pellenz, Rhein-Mosel, Vallendar, Vordereifel and Weißenthurm), two district towns (Andernach and Mayen) and one independent town (Bendorf) belong to the municipal family of the Mayen-Koblenz district. In total, these are ten local authorities that are embarking on the path to the future together. This alliance is reflected in the project name.

What does this mean for MYK?

We all face the challenge of becoming and being drivers of digitalization rather than being driven by it. In the "Smart Region MYK10", digitalization is not seen as a solution per se, but as a multifunctional tool that can make a decisive contribution to solving a wide range of challenges. The aim is to make the everyday lives of everyone in the Mayen-Koblenz district smarter - in other words, more pleasant, simpler, more sustainable and more efficient.

The "Smart Region MYK10" focuses on three central tasks for the future and three defined objectives.

Key tasks for the future:

  • The equal development of heterogeneous sub-areas with a high quality of life
  • The innovative design of mobility
  • The future-oriented transformation of our cities and municipalities


Target images:

  • Target image 1: MYK is changing
  • Target image 2: Get from A to B easily in MYK
  • Target 3: MYK connects people

In order for this project to succeed, the district of Mayen-Koblenz is relying on a participatory approach involving all regional interest groups, as the transformation to the "Smart Region MYK10" can only succeed together. The Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft am Mittelrhein mbH is a strong partner at the side of the district within the "Smart Cities" model project.

What does the "Smart Region MYK10" mean for companies and the local economy in the district?

Integration of new technologies and digital solutions into the regional infrastructure. This creates new business opportunities and facilitates the implementation of innovative projects.

The project promotes cooperation between local, regional and national partners from different sectors (science, business, civil society and administration). This enables the exchange of knowledge and resources.

Improving the quality of life and infrastructure will make the region more attractive for skilled workers and companies.

Creation of a Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) in the district with free shared use for local authorities, companies and regional institutions. Sensors connected to this network can collect data in real time with maximum efficiency.

Knowledge transfer in unique regional hubs

One project with particularly great opportunities for the Mayen-Koblenz region is the so-called RegioHubs. These are multifunctional work, meeting, innovation and learning spaces. They promote the exchange of knowledge, digitalization and the integration of forward-looking living and working models into everyday life as well as local interaction. They should not only provide rentable workplaces (so-called co-working spaces), but also offer space for local care, inspiration and education-centered, social and cultural offerings. By sharing the RegioHubs with various stakeholders from the region, they can reduce their expenditure on rental and operating costs, for example, while at the same time maintaining their local offering for people in the area.

At the same time, interdisciplinary exchange takes place there and community is created when citizens, institutions and companies develop and implement ideas together. Our vision is for the RegioHubs in the district of Mayen-Koblenz to be places of lifelong learning, but also places of inspiration, social interaction and regional economic activity. The individual locations in Andernach, Bendorf, Monreal, Polch and Rieden do not stand alone, but function as part of a regional network in order to create synergies and learn with and from each other.

Further information on the "Smart Region MYK10" and the other current implementation projects can be found at

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