Investment promotion

Investment promotion

Inform and support

The WFG provides information on investment promotion programs, helps with applications and processing and also represents interests in dealings with funding institutions.
The ISB, BAFA and KfW promotion programs differentiate between the financing of investment measures in long-lived fixed assets (e.g. for land, buildings, machinery, etc.) and the financing of working capital for short-lived current assets. As a rule, promotional funds are granted in the form of loans with terms of five years for working capital loans and between 10 and 20 years for investment loans.

ISB SME loan

  • For freelancers, sole proprietorships and SMEs (also before start-up and as a sideline)
  • Investment financing at reduced interest rates/subsidized interest rates up to € 5 million and working capital financing up to € 2 million
  • Particularly favorable conditions for start-ups, young companies and projects in Rhineland-Palatinate assisted areas
  • With flexible terms of up to 20 years and optional redemption-free years
  • Optional exemption from liability of 50% for financing up to € 800,000 for companies with at least 2 complete annual financial statements

The low-interest SME loan - optionally with an indemnity from the ISB for the on-lending bank - is based on KfW's ERP promotional loan for SMEs. The ISB makes the already favorable KfW loans even cheaper.

The SME loan can be applied for in the following program variants:

  • ISB SME loan (665)
  • ISB SME loan with exemption from liability (667)

Working capital loan RLP

  • For SMEs, mid-cap companies and freelancers with additional working capital requirements 
  • Low-interest working capital financing up to € 5 million 
  • Wide range of repayment options with a favorable commitment fee of only 0.125 % from the 7th month onwards
  • Up to 10 years term with up to one redemption-free year
  • No direct debt restructuring, prolongation or redemption of loans possible

The program of the Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB) is intended to make a contribution to long-term working capital financing and thus also to creating and securing jobs in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Venture capital (participation)

  • Target group mainly young, innovative companies
  • Promising concept with growth prospects and corresponding value creation potential in the company
  • In a first financing round, an amount of up to € 500,000 can generally be made available
  • Financing combined from direct and typical silent partnership with subordination 
  • Conditions are agreed individually
  • ISB is a long-term investor, e.g. standard term of 10 years for typical silent partnerships
  • No contractually defined exit strategies

The ISB provides companies in Rhineland-Palatinate with equity capital in the form of direct investments (acquisition of company shares) and/or typical silent partnerships via various subsidiaries (investment funds). The equity capital serves to strengthen the economic equity of the applicant company.

Consulting program for SMEs

  • Subsidy for consulting costs, max. 500 € per day's work
  • For SMEs with business premises in Rhineland-Palatinate
  • For questions of strategic, economic, organizational and technical corporate management as well as product and communication design
  • Application before the start of the consultation with ISB
  • Applicant must have been on the market for at least two years.

 The program is a lost (non-repayable) subsidy for eligible consulting services provided by independent consultants or consulting companies.

Increasing the efficiency of commercial enterprises (EFFINVEST)

  • Cross-industry support program for commercial companies throughout Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Investments in measures to increase energy and/or resource efficiency in the company
  • Subsidies of up to 20 % possible
  • Fixed targets for CO2 savings 
  • Direct application to the ISB
  • with funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

As part of this funding program, Rhineland-Palatinate companies are supported in increasing their energy and resource efficiency. The grants are intended to contribute to the effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, material consumption and waste generation and to ensure the long-term competitiveness of Rhineland-Palatinate as an industrial location.

  • For small and medium-sized enterprises and freelancers
  • Up to 25 million euros loan
  • Up to 20 years for repayment and no repayment for 3 years
  • Easy access to credit possible: KfW assumes 50 % of the risk

Learn more.

  • Up to 25 million euros loan
  • for investments and running costs
  • Also suitable for financing company successions
  • for companies with a maximum annual turnover of 500 million euros
  • Easy access to credit possible: KfW assumes 50% of the risk

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  • To promote small and medium-sized enterprises that are looking for investors
  • KfW refinances the investor
  • The prerequisite is a guarantee from a guarantee bank

Learn more.

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