Subsidies for business start-ups

Subsidies for business start-ups

Start-up aid for makers

Financial requirements play a key role in almost all start-ups. Whether it's real estate, office equipment or the first stock of goods, the majority of financing and business investments are covered by loans. It is difficult for start-ups or small business owners to find their way through the multitude of offers and financing options. We can help you - get started with the Mayen-Koblenz Economic Development Corporation! The WFG researches suitable subsidies such as start-up grants and helps to avoid financing errors. You also have the option of calling in an external consultant to help you secure your existence and strengthen your performance and competitiveness, who will help you apply for funding.


  • Start-up grantUnemployed persons who want to become self-employed can receive a start-up grant. Find out more about the amount and duration of the start-up grant and the conditions for payment
  • Consulting program for business start-upsThe state of Rhineland-Palatinate supports business start-up and business succession projects in the fields of industry, trade, commerce, tourism, other services and the liberal professions by providing grants towards external consultancy costs. Funding is provided in the form of a grant. The maximum amount of funding is EUR 400 per day.

Public financial aid

Promotion of further training and qualification

  • QualiScheck Rhineland-Palatinate

    A funding program of the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The check covers 50% of the training costs, up to a maximum of €1,500. You can claim it once a year.

  • Federal education premium

    People interested in further education who are employed and whose taxable annual income does not exceed 20,000 or 40,000 euros receive a premium voucher. It covers half of the course fee, up to a maximum of 500 euros.

Education voucher from the Federal Employment Agency

The Federal Employment Agency can promote the further vocational training of individual employees within the framework of an existing employment relationship by subsidizing their wages and paying all or part of the costs of further training.

Prerequisites include:

  • The continuing vocational training comprises more than 120 hours (does not have to be completed in one go).
  • The continuing vocational training and its training provider are approved for funding.
  • Skills, knowledge and abilities are imparted that go beyond exclusively job-related, short-term adaptation training. Funding for training courses on company-specific software, for example, is not possible.
  • Professional development can be flexibly adapted to the needs of your company and can be carried out on a full-time, part-time or part-time basis.

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